Club Trips
Luton BSAC Club members can be found SCUBA diving almost every weekend of the year, weather permitting. Trips range from training days in UK quarries such as the renowned Stoney Cove in Leicestershire, to ultimate ‘bucket-list’ wreck or reef diving locations around the world.
Throughout the UK diving season, Luton BSAC runs a number of club diving trips around the British coast line. We make use of trusted charter boats and also our Club Boat. Only a few hours drive from our Luton depot, the Dorset ‘Jurassic’ Coastline is a club favourite. The club also runs many trips further a field to locations in Cornwall, Wales and Scotland.
While the UK offers fantastic diving opportunities, many of our members take their annual holiday to dive in Lanzarote, The Mediterranean, Red Sea, Maldives, Galapagos and Truk Lagoon in Micronesia.
Club Socials
Club diving is only part of the story. The club also has an active social scene including weekly drinks after the pool night in Luton, annual dinner dance, club BBQs and club meals.

← New to diving? See how you can try diving and learn to dive with Luton BSAC.